Thursday, October 15, 2009

Au revoir, les français!

This is it. The contract is over, I've left the apartment, packed everything and moved to Greece. I enjoyed this year in France. Work was nice, I learned a lot of new things, I started a couple of interesting projects that I'm going to keep working on, and I'm definitely going to visit Grenoble again. The food was great, good quality ingredients were easy to find and cheap, and eating out was a source of cooking ideas almost every time, too.

But, the year is over, and this chapter is now closed. I packed everything I could carry, left my apartment and came back to Greece. I'm joining the military for six months in a couple of weeks. So, there's not going to be much posting from now on. If anything, it'd be a wrong to title it "francophagie." Thanks to everyone that read the posts and commented (in here or otherwise).

On the other hand, moving out of France and going to the army doesn't mean I'll stop cooking. I just won't be posting for a while. And I've already gotten a few of the same (or stronger) cannibalistic tendencies from interactions with the Greek bureaucracy. So, I may be back in six months, with another title... Oh, and it'll be two of us cooking from now on!

So long, France, and thanks for all the croissants!