Friday, April 24, 2009

Crêpe aux pommes et au caramel

A couple of weeks ago, I made crêpes with a mix of wheat and rye flour.

Crêpes are easy to make, so you can make a pile and store them in the fridge for a few days. Then you wrap a bit of cheese or jam in them, and you have a nice quick snack.

I thought a funny way to serve a sweet crêpe with apple filling and caramel on top is to wrap it like a giant tortellini. First pour a bit of the filling on the crêpe next to the center, and fold in half, over the diameter. Fold again in half, parallel to the first fold, and finally bring the edges together to form the tortellini shape. Then burn some sugar into caramel and use it to glue the edges on top of each other, and also pour some on top with a spoon to make crunchy caramel threads.
Here it is, surrounded with a bit of butterscotch caramel. OK, maybe I overdid it a bit, but I like the combination of apple with caramel.

I used a bit of compote de pomme for stuffing. I bought a jar from the farmer's market, it's a jam-like apple compote, but it doesn't have much (any?) sugar, so it's far less sweet than jam, more like apple purée. I warmed it up and added a spoon of honey and half a spoon of butter, before using it to stuff the crêpes.

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